VISON:One of the strongest avengers

The Vision is the name of a number of fictional characters, all superheroes, that appear in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The Vision is an android and a member of the Avengers. Vision is an artificial intelligence, a "synthezoid" created by the villain Ultron and an Avenger who possesses the power to alter his density at will. Having gained a modicum of humanity, Vision is always afraid he may one day lose touch with it.

"I am not that which you made, Ultron! You built a living weapon... an unfeeling instrument of your hatred! But now I am more than that! Today there are humans whom I call... friend! Thus, in their name... and because they have chosen me an Avenger... One of us... though never born... must die!!"


The Vision is a synthezoid, an artificial human being composed of the original Human Torch's body and Wonder Man's brain patterns. Originally intended as a weapon by Ultron to be used against the Avengers, Vision managed to fight Ultron's programming and attain free will, inspired by the Avengers to aid them and fight against evil. Ever since that fateful day, Vision would prove to be an important member of the Avengers, serving with them for many years and often acting as the heart of team, inextricably tied to many of their members--he is the son of one of their deadliest foes, Ultron, the "grandson" of one of their founding members, Hank Pym, the "brother" of Wonder Man, the ex-husband of the Scarlet Witch, and a great friend to many more.

Due to the Vision's unique physiology, he has a great many powers, including the beams of solar energy he is able to unleash, the unique abilities that come with being an artificial being, and his most notable power, the ability to alter his own density, allowing him to turn intangible, grant himself great durability and strength, fly, and more.

Some of vision's feats and Strength

Density shifting:

Vision's ability to alter his own personal density grants him a variety of abilities, from becoming light enough to achieve flight, to walking through solid objects, to increasing his own density to become stronger and more durable. The Vision is able to attain this extra mass by drinking in the air molecules around him, turning into a sort of vacuum

Vision phases through an alloy too durable for him to damage

Phases to avoid a deadly energy vat

Phases through Iron Man's repulsors

Becomes too heavy for Goliath to lift

Vision's favorite move--turning intangible before partially solidifying his body within his opponent in order to subject them to unimaginable pain

Phases Hank Pym into unconsciousness

Phases through Captain America, Namor, and the original Human Torch, knocking them all out

Renders himself immune to Arkon's bolts

Becomes too heavy to be pulled by something capable of sucking in Annihilus

Phases his fist into Goliath, knocking him unconscious due to the pain--it is worth nothing that he could've killed Goliath with this move

Possesses enough control over his density manipulation to fly to Avengers Mansion despite lacking control of his body

Knocks a Warhawk out by phasing his fingers into his head

Takes out Sentinels via phasing that were giving Thor and Iron Man trouble

Phases through disintegration rays

Casually phase one shots Lorelei and Equilibrius

Renders himself unaffected by both gravity and anti-gravity despite having a solid hand

Phase one shots a Triceratops

Unaffected by the original Human Torch's flames

Objects within his costume also become intangible when he phases


Note: While this section is classified as strength, as Vision's strength is tied to his density manipulation, I will also be including feats where he uses increasing density offensively or for effects similar to feats of strength.

Sends Wonder Man flying with a punch, shaking all of Avengers Mansion

Shatters a cylinder of plexiglass

With the aid of Hawkeye's cable arrow, prevents a jet from skidding off a roof

Slams into Unworthy Thor

Despite missing an arm, flies Pym Ultron through a building and sends him reeling with a punch

Has Ultron-5 on the ropes

Slows Goliath's fall

Levels several building floors

Increases his fist's mass a hundred fold and bursts the ground

Catches Cap and Quicksilver, the force of which breaks the pavement

Breaks a portion of the ground with a punch

Destroys a robot with a punch

Easily stops Goliath's punch

Frees War Machine from the Phoenix

As part of a combined assault, slams onto Phoenix Force Namor

Peels apart a spaceship's hull

Rips through a Sentinel

Keeps Silver Surfer on the ropes--Surfer claims Vision's strength approaches his own

Saves Mantis, destabilizing a skyscraper's wall in the process

Tussles with Ultron once again

Sends Wonder Man flying with a punch

Matches Wonder Man in strength

With the aid of Iron Man, Wonder Man, and Thor, they catch debris weighing millions of tons before tossing it miles away

By dropping from a mile high at maximum density, Vision knocks out a weakened Count Nefaria, triggering seismic stations hundreds of miles away

Rends metal foil

Smashes Grey Gargoyle's armor; Carol previously nearly broke her wrist just punching it

With Starfox's aid, lifts a giant booster and tosses it

Decapitates a Doombot

One-shots FemThor

One-shots Nova


No-sells Moonstone's energy blast

No-sells Bulldozer

No-sells Thundra's chain

Takes a close range blast from Ultron

Takes a punch from Count Nefaria, who is stronger than Thor

Super-dense form is unaffected by the attacks of several Hulks

No-sells gunfire and a grenade

Amplifies his density a thousand fold to protect from an attack from an extra-powerful She-Hulk

Takes a blow to the head from Ultron-5 and is merely stunned

No-sells Yellowjacket's blast

No-sells Cannonball's charge

Takes a hit from Ymir the frost giant

Wakandan gunfire merely shatters upon Vision's body

Takes a blitz from UltronThor and UltronVision

Takes a beating from UltronThor and UltronVision

Takes a vicious beating from Pym Ultron but remains conscious

Takes an ionic blast from Ultron-6

No-sells Quicksilver's blitz

Body causes Swordsman's blade to shatter

Gets sent flying by Goliath's punch a far distance without harm--Goliath later injures himself trying to punch Vision

Takes a blast from the Phoenix Force

Takes a blast from Phoenix Force Namor

No-sells a Kree Sentinel's blast

Unharmed by a crashing helicopter

While super-dense he no-sells Iron Man's repulsors and punches

Tanks Grim Reaper's blast

Unaffected by falling debris

Tanks a strike from Surfer's board and is unaffected by lava

Unaffected by lightning

Slasher's blades do nothing

Wonder Man injures his fist on Vision's body

Takes several hits from Ultron

Easily deals with Hyperion's attacks

A stone version of the Black Knight crumbles himself to dust trying to harm Vision

Trades blows with Wonder Man

Gets sent flying through a ship by Tyrak and is merely stunned

Gets hit hard enough to be sent flying to the fringes of space and be subject to the heat of re-entry before landing 200 miles away--he later flies back to the battle unharmed

No-sells a Doombot's blasts

Unharmed by Crystal's maximum temperature

Takes a seismic blast from Crystal and a punch from Hercules

Unaffected by Kang-Amped Equinox's flames

Unaffected by Annihilus' energy beams


Phases before Cap can tackle him

Intercepts Yellowjacket's blast

Dodges Goliath's punch

Intercepts Enchantress' spell

Claims that his computer-mind makes his reaction time negligible

Intercepts an energy blast meant for the Grim Reaper

Saves the Scarlet Witch from falling debris

Easily evades Captain America's and Iron Man's attacks

Dodges Taurus' stellar blast

Avoids a missile

Phases before he can be struck by a Doombot's missile

Phases before he can be hit by Mjolnir

Counter Nova's blitz

Energy projection:

Energy Projection:
Vision is capable of unleashing beams of energy (either heat or concussive blasts).

Claims to hit Ymir with a blast hot enough to melt armored tanks

Blasts Ymir with a beam hot enough to get him to drop T'Challa

Blinds Thor

Did someone order some cooked crab?

Sends Wonder Man flying into a wall

Causes Wonder Man to cry out in pain, though it drains Vision's energy reserves

Reduces falling debris to dust with force beams

Melts a hundred pounds of ice

Blinds the giant fusion of hundreds of Hulks

Disarms a squad by melting their firearms

Takes out an Ultron Vision with his force beams

Blasts Pym Ultron in the face with his beams

1062 degree centigrade beam

Sends SamCap and FemThor flying

Beam clashes with Iron Man's repulsor

One-shots Iron Man

One-shots Medusa

One-shots T'Challa

Takes out MonicAbilities

Synthezoid abilities:

Because the Vision is a mechanical synthezoid, he is capable of feats that a regular human is incapable of achieving.

Vision's cells are microscopically encoded with his schematics

Vision contains some of Avengers Mansion's communications circuitry, allowing him to scan for and manipulate signals

Vision possesses a holographic disguise

Vision can simulate eating with his thoracic furnace, which converts mass to energy

Vision possesses the ability to remotely interface with computer systems, allowing him to infiltrate Ultron's computer systems

Enhanced hearing

Vision is capable of interfacing with the Avengers' database

Voice changer

Vision can broadcast data via a holographic display

Can record everything he sees using his eyes

If Vision is in working order, he is able to regenerate himself

Vision is powered by solar energy, which he absorbs via the jewel on his forehead

Vision can somehow detect sentience and rage

Vision is capable of absorbing excess energy from people

Creates a counter frequency to disable Kree mind control

Vision lacks a pulse

Vision's body system can be a hazardous place

Vision does not need sleep

Vision's audial receptors can leave him immune to certain types of sonic attack, such as ultra-sonic shockwaves or Lorelei's hypnosis

Vision absorbs the surge of energy caused by touching anti-matter, though this leaves him at risk as he needs to dissipate it

Traces a supposedly untraceable signal

Claims he is immune to all forms of mental takeover, though this is suspect as he has been affected by extremely powerful telepaths occasionally

Quickly determines something isn't crystal but is instead a solid field of "anti-probability"

Vision is theoretically almost immortal

Interfaces with Tony's armor to dismantle it

Holographic disguise again


Designs a synthetic mask and clothes attuned to his body

Has an encyclopedic knowledge of chess due to his love of it

Makes improvements to his own body

Reverse-engineers the High Evolutionary's retrovirus

Works with the Black Knight to create a high-tech scanner

Creates a special virtual reality headset for Kamala


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